Testimonials For Natalie's 30 Day Detox (Previously Natalie's Gentle Detox)
“After 7 years of being overweight, unfit and unhappy I knew I had to do something different if I was going to live the life of Health, Fitness and Vitality that I committed to myself some 2 years prior. More than my own will power, I needed something different but didn’t know what it was. As child of God born to manifest His glory in the earth, I became increasingly convinced that If was to do that, it required me to be healthy, healed and whole – Spirit, Soul and Body. So for me, it was more than just losing weight or being fit - but about living in and on purpose.
Natalie, her gentle spirit and detox came into my life at just the right time and I am so very grateful. The perfect combination of structure, support and most importantly for me - information. Natalie’s approach is not a spoon-feed, quick fix one. Rather she educated and empowered me so that with or without her on my whatsaap or speed-dial, I was knowledgeable enough to make smart decisions that would serve me and my goals. A whole new world about the dangers of and healing powers of food opened up to me. I am now so thrilled about all the amazing foods that I totally overlooked before because I didn’t know how to cook them or combine them into great tasting, good-for-me dishes!!!
The greatest result from doing Natalie’s Detox is the power of choice. Having gone through the detox, I had the choice to add anything back into my diet, but doing so now came with the knowledge of exactly how it would affect my body. I now had the power to choose and take responsibility for what I put in my mouth. Now, if I make a lousy choice, I know it! But I can then get up and make a better choice the next time around…and truss me my body shouts at me now, when I made bad choices.
I am now 3 months in – on my journey to lifelong Health, Fitness and Vitality and I truly believe that Natalie’s Detox has completely set me up for success – for the long term. I am far from my ideal weight and fitness goals but I choose to celebrate the journey that I am on. Nats continues to offer great support through her blog and social media groups. On top of it all she’s an awesome spinning instructor who motivates me to keep on going. It will take me a little while to reach my goals, but the race is not for the swift….”
- Raquel Virtue​
"Natalie's Gentle Detox is a life changer......it's amazing how quickly the body rewards us for healthier eating habits through weight loss, higher energy levels and a general feeling of well being. Natalie is an extremely knowledgeable, responsive and inspiring coach always available to answer questions with a knack for building a great sense of community and camaraderie among her program members and turning what could be a challenging experience into a fun filled adventure. Not only did I enjoy the 30 days of detox, I have now permanently adopted its basic tenants into my daily life and am much the better for it. This program is a must do"
"I want to say that this was a great experience. My toxicity score went from a 12 to a 4; so definite progress there. I am continuing not so much detoxing but just working to maintain a less toxic level overall. I plan to continue eliminating dairy, alcohol, sugar and wheat for the most part because I am feeling so much better. The level of support provided by Natalie was great. I will definitely recommend anyone that I know who expresses that they want to do a detox."
"I used Natalie's Gentle Detox to change my bad habits, I was not drinking water, eating one meal a day and ate however I felt! After the detox I am constantly drinking water, eating at least three small meals, I confirmed my allergy to Gluten and love my green smoothie. Previously when I was busy and would skip a meal, I now make a green smoothie so I never skip a meal. I loved the way I was not pressured on the program and even though I thought it would be better to be told what to eat, Natalie empowered me to experiment. She mixed my first green smoothie and showed me it was easy and tasted really good. The detox was easy to follow and we eliminated gradually, but what I could not eliminate was fine too, it did not mean I could not do the detox and it would fail. However, I reduced those things significantly. This was not a detox for me, it was a life style change. I am going to continue what changes I have made. I recommend this detox for those who need to change their life but can live with the change! I am a healthier person!"
"I started the 30-day Gentle Detox with the primary goal of losing weight, but this was so much more than a diet plan. I did lose a total of 15 lbs, however what I learned about my body and its responses to what I feed it has been immeasurable. This detox plan was easy to follow, allowing you to eat real food while being more critical of what you choose. I felt lighter, had more energy and noticed improved skin and mental clarity. Natalie's support, advice and encouragement throughout the process made sticking to it so easy. My 30-day period has ended but I still have not reintroduced many of the foods I eliminated and I don't miss many of them at all. I would highly recommend this Detox to anyone who feels stressed, sluggish or just in need of a jump start. Thank you Natalie for an amazing experience and I'm looking forward to doing it again!"
"It's been a great experience. I am consuming much more vegetables than previously. I have been learning that my smoothies can taste good, keep me full and make me feel energized. They are also easier than a traditional breakfast and keep me full till 12. Over the program I lost 7 lbs and my mid section is noticeably flatter."
"Wow I can't believe it's all over!! What a ride that was! Was I perfect the whole way no, there were days I was less than perfect. However, the greatest positive for me, apart from some weight loss, is that I learnt so much about what works for me and what doesn't work for me. I at no time felt I was on a 'diet' you know that one where you feel like you are starving all the time? I know as I go forward I have the tools, to make changes, and I certainly intend to continue on this healthy path"
- Lisa
“I'm sad this detox is coming to its end. I must say I've thoroughly enjoyed it. I started this process with the idea of controlling my cholesterol and seeing what I may be allergic to and my end result was more awakening than ever. I've brought down my cholesterol, cut everything off but never starved myself, and I lost weight. I've learned that I don't need certain things. But I hope the group discovered a little something more about themselves like I did. Natalie Murray I'll do another detox with you any day and I will recommend you to anyone that I know looking for a healthy living.
By the way I started this program at 174lbs and after my ride this morning and breakfast I've maintained a steady 160lbs for the past week."
I now have a heightened sense of awareness as to what is possible through proper diet.
Natalie I just want to say a big THANK YOU for all your support during my detox session. I have learnt a new way of eating from your program and I intend to take away a lot of what I have learned and continue this pathway in the future - more vegetables and less sweets!!!!!
Natalie I want to thank you for speaking to about this detox. I feel great, have lost 10lbs and I am sleeping better. Post the detox I have not gone back to eating bread or rice and I am still enjoying the shakes.
I'm very happy to say this detox has helped with my endometriosis. I'm not curled up in bed from pain. I'm so happy I did the detox. I can't thank you enough.
- Kerry
I have been enjoying my relationship with food. During the detox meals have been interesting and I look forward to everything I eat and drink. I can taste every single flavour. Very nice. And I thank Natalie so much because without her I would not be loving Kale so much. By the way I lost 10 lbs.
Still following the principles of the program and doing great! Thanks so much Natalie for your expert guidance and instruction throughout the detox period. Will certainly recommend you in the future. This will be a life style change for me. Great job Natalie!
- Angela
For the 1st time I've done a program that has impacted my eating choice in a positive manner. I will keep the vegetable smooothie which I can't believe I now like. Thanks Natalie! Yes. Mostly veg now. Can't believe I not only survived it but I like it.
- Michelle
Testimonials For Natalie's Spinning® Classes
In 2009, I followed my daughter to Shakti Lovefest and discovered the world of “Spinning” and have been in love with it since then. I currently spin at Pedal & Wheel 2-3 times per week. I spin with Natalie on an average of 2 times per week and once a month in her marathon classes. I enjoy classes thoroughly. I’m challenged, but not stressed… and mentally, I’m in my world - at peace, no worries, my stresses are non-existent, just enjoying the ride. After her classes, I honestly cannot wait for the next class. By the way, I’m in the 50-55 age group and I’m LOVING THE JOURNEY!!
- Denise
Natalie’s spin classes are fun and challenging workouts! They’re filled with great vibes, great music and she is amazing at encouraging (and getting) you to give your full 100%. You feel her absolute love for spinning and you can’t help but feel great after one of her classes (even a marathon class!). I highly recommend ALL her classes for beginners straight through to advanced levels - they’re ALL worth every drop of sweat. =)
- Kim
"Natalie's spinning classes are amazing for the body and soul. There is no substitute for the feeling you get when you get into the zone while spinning to the latest tunes jamming through the speakers. It is truly an out of body experience which changes your outlook on what your body limits are. Her classes push you to the edge but never daunting. Natalie's spin class is more than an exercise routine, it becomes a lifestyle. One class and you become a spinning convert. There are no egos in any of her classes and no matter what level you are at, a physical and spiritual workout is guaranteed. Thank you Natalie for changing my outlook on the spinning program and aiding me on my path of health & fitness."
- Craig
"Natalie's Spinning® class is so much more than a cardio workout. It's a motivational and inspirational session. For me her style of coaching has the sensitivity of a yoga instructor while still providing the challenge that I need to keep pushing myself. Her selection of music is upbeat and fun. I would recommend her classes to anyone from beginner to advanced who wants to add a special cardio workout to their routine."
“After only a few weeks of adding Natalie's spinning classes to my workout routine (once or twice a week) I have experienced noticeable improvement in my cardio fitness. I am able to better perform in my other workouts which are intense kickboxing type training. As a SCUBA diver I have also noticed significantly improved air consumption on my dives. I would recommend Natalie's spinning classes to anyone who is already active and wants to improve their athletic performance.”
After months of gaining weight and looking at the Oreos in hand I decided I needed to do an activity that was fun while burning some calories. I was persuaded by Natalie to try spinning. My initial reaction when I stepped in the room was wow wow wow!!! These are professionals. I should turn around and go home. The Spinning® shoes, the gears and the toned bodies scared me that a novice like I to the sport would be frowned on as an invasion and waste of an available bike. With much hesitation I decided to try. After cycling to 5 minutes I realized; absolutely no one in that room cared if I was riding well (except Natalie since she was teaching) all perceived echoes disappeared, this was about me this was about Kim and her goals... After a few other rides I found that I was standing and riding, doing jumps, doing standing climbs, adding resistance to my ride. I was no longer watching the clock “deading” for the hour to finish. I felt energized, confident that I could now conquer the world. Life hits me back to reality on the outside but for that 1 hour I rule!
- Kimberly